Summary:Acupuncture and Moxibustion are indispensable parts of traditional Chinese medicine in the prevention and control of disease. Since the founding of the Peoples Republic of China, these arts have been developed and are highly regarded by the international academic community. Based upon Essentials of Chinese Acupuncture, used as a textbook by the International Acupuncture Training Centers in Beijing, Shanghai and Nanjing, Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion incorporates the rich experience of class teaching and clinical practice and the results of acupuncture research, retaining the characteristic features of the traditional theory of acupuncture and stressing the integration of theory and practice. The book consists of eighteen chapters and four appendices.
Summary:Acupuncture and Moxibustion are indispensable parts of traditional Chinese medicine in the prevention and control of disease. Since the founding of the Peoples Republic of China, these arts have been developed and are highly regarded by the international academic community. Based upon Essentials of Chinese Acupuncture, used as a textbook by the International Acupuncture Training Centers in Beijing, Shanghai and Nanjing, Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion incorporates the rich experience of class teaching and clinical practice and the results of acupuncture research, retaining the characteristic features of the traditional theory of acupuncture and stressing the integration of theory and practice. The book consists of eighteen chapters and four appendices.
Summary:The modern medical model is gradually shifting from one of biomedicine to one that integrates practices from the physiological, psychological, sociological and medical fields. This growing recognition that people, the environment, ecological conditions and society are all aspects of a united whole has given rise to an emergence of alternative medicine and therapies, many of which are borrowed from traditional Chinese medicine. Volume One systematically introduces the basic theories and the diagnostic methods of Chinese Medicine, providing a concise presentation that is suitable for both teaching and self-study. Use of illustrations throughout also reinforce the theories and facts demonstrated in this valuable resource on the fundamental principles of Chinese Medicine.
Summary:The latest edition of this hugely popular volume continues to provide readers in the West with a clear explanation of the theory and practice of Chinese medicine. Richly illustrated and fully updated throughout, Foundations of Chinese Medicine retains its careful structure to present the subject in a systemized manner which ranges from first principles to the diagnosis and management of a wide range of disease states. NOW WITH AN ACCOMPANYING WEBSITE containing an extensive bank of review and test material, the latest edition of this important volume has been redesigned to provide a more accessible, up-to-date feel to the content to enhance the readers learning experience. Offering a unique combination of rigorous scholarship together with a wealth of clinical experience, Maciocias Foundations of Chinese Medicine will be ideal for all students of Chinese medicine, acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine as well as qualified practitioners needing to stay up-to-date with changes in the field.