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Wei-defensive Qi: Modern Use Learned from the Shang Han Lun and Wen Bing

Hui Zhang

Course Overview

Wei Qi or defensive Qi runs around the blood vessel and Ying Qi or construction Qi inside the blood vessel. Wei protects the body from external pathogens, which functions like the immune system. Moreover, Wei is tightly related to the nervous system, which regulates temperature, sweating, circadian rhythm. Ying refers to blood and other Yin substances which nourish the whole body. In Shang Han Lun, a Taiyang exterior condition is regarded as Wei. Wei to treat a Wei disease. In Wen Bing (Warm Diseases), a Wei level condition refers to the early stage of fever due to warm pathogens e.g. coronavirus. The manifestation is various in wind-heat, damp heat, dryness, and wind-cold. What are the similarity and differences of Wei in the two systems? How can we use herbal medicine and acupuncture in practice to treat Wei disorders? In this seminar, my course will cover the following topics 1. Deep explanation of Wei, form classics and meridians theory 2. Herbal medicine treatment, Ma Huang Tang and its modification 3. Acupuncture and moxibustion treatment 4. Wei, immunity, and coronavirus: prevention and sequalae treatment 5. Wei and nervous system disorders, psychological diseases

Course Objectives

  • Understand Wei Qi in classics and meridians theory
  • Learn how to use herbal medicine and acupuncture to treat Wei disorders
  • Understand Wei Qi in immunity and (long) Covid-19
  • Understand Wei Qi in nervous and psychological disorders
  • Understand Wei Qi in other disorders e.g. peripheral neuropathy, spine injury, low immunity, stroke sequelae etc.

Course Outline

0 hrs - 45 minWei Qi in Classics including Huang Di Nei Jing (Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic), Shang Han Lun (Treatise on Cold Damage), Wen Bing Tiao Bian (Detailed Analysis of Warm Diseases)

45 min - 1 hrsWei Qi and Meridians and guideline to select acupoints

1 hrs - 1.5 hrsCold attacks Wei Qi : Ma Huang Tang and acupuncture treatment

1.5 hrs - 2 hrsWind attacks Wei Qi: Gui Zhi Tang and acupuncture treatment

2 hrs - 2.5 hrs(Wind)Heat/Warm attacks Wei: Yin Qiao San or Sang Ju Yin and acupuncture treatment

2.5 hrs - 3 hrsDamp-heat in Wei: San Ren Tang and acupuncture treatment

3 hrs - 4 hrsWei Qi in Long Covid-19: treatment and prevention

4 hrs - 5 hrsWei Qi in nervous and psychological disorders including Insomnia, pain, anxiety, depression, neuropathy

5 hrs - 6 hrsDiscussion on the role of Wei Qi in other disorders e.g. peripheral neuropathy, spine injury, low immunity, stroke sequelae, etc.


Hui Zhang, Ph.D., is a Chinese Medicine Doctor, Educator, and Researcher. Having trained at the Chengdu University of TCM in China, he works in Denmark. Hui lectures regularly in Denmark, Germany, Austria, and China.

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As someone who has long been fascinated by Wei qi, I absolutely loved this course. It was both theoretical and practical. It is dynamic and ties together auxiliary therapies, points and herbs. The teacher is very knowledgeable and an excellent orator. He explains concepts thoroughly and revisits them helping to cement the foundational ideas. I would look out for more of his lectures, most definitely!

Emily C.

United Kingdom
I would recommend this course. It is comprehensive and useful for clinical situations, not just theoretical.

susan d.

United States of America

Tab 2

Content for tab 2.

Approved by: Standard Certificate, NCCAOM,

Course Type: Recorded Seminar

Course Length: 6 Hrs.

Course Credits: 6 CPD

Course Notes: Notes are provided with this course.

Access Period: Lifetime

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